Larry Greene
December 13, 2020
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


John 5:1-18

What does it mean to be Christlike? The obvious answer is to be like Christ. What does that actually mean? The key verse in the Gospel of John tells us what it means. Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” However, that is easier said than done. The popular question asked years ago, “What would Jesus do?” is answered in that verse. Jesus would be “full of grace and truth.”

In the first four chapters of John’s gospel, we find this interchange of grace and truth over and over. In coming to chapter five, we see it once again.

• Grace extended to the powerless man, vv. 1-13.

• Grace and truth expressed by the powerful Savior, v. 14.

• Grace and truth persecuted by the legalistic crowd, vv. 15-18.

Live in grace and truth. . . not legalism.