Larry Greene
February 28, 2021
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


John 7:53 - 8:11

Today’s passage has been disputed by numerous Bible scholars as to whether it should be included in John’s gospel. Many scholars who don’t believe it should be included, however, do believe that it is an actual event in the life of Jesus. I am of the opinion that it is part of John’s gospel. In this well-known story, Jesus offers His life-changing grace and truth to a sinful woman. There are three parts to this story.

• A pitfall set for the Savior, 7:53 - 8:6.
• A piercing statement by the Savior, vv. 7-9.
• A pardoning statement from the Savior, vv. 10-11.

Have you received Jesus’ offer of forgiveness? If so, you can stand before God uncondemned!