Larry Greene
May 9, 2021
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


John 11:1-16

Sickness, suffering, death, and the sorrow they bring, are all part of the human condition. Ever since our first parents rebelled against God’s command, the consequences “You shall surely die,” has been what it meant to be human.
The Bible assigns several reasons for sickness:
- chastening sin (1 Corinthians 11:30)
- preventing sin (2 Corinthians 12:7)
- teaching truth (Psalm 119:71)
- glorifying God (John 11:4)

The last reason for sickness is the one we learn about in today’s passage. Sickness provides an opportunity for one’s faith to be tested. As the late Warren Wiersbe wrote, “A faith that can’t be tested, can’t be trusted.” In John 11:1-16 there are three tests of trust that glorify God.

(God is glorified when we trust in spite of . . . )

• His delayed timing, vv. 5-10
• His difficult teaching, vv. 11-13
• His dangerous leading, vv. 14-16

How do you score when tests of trust come your way?