Larry Greene
July 4, 2021
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


John 13:18-30

There was a word used in NT times for one who was "playing a part." This word described actors who wore different masks to portray different characters. The word was "hypokrites" or hypocrite. This word aptly describes one who puts on a false front or plays a part.

Many people use the presence of hypocrites as an excuse not to be involved in church. Yet, one of Jesus' twelve disciples was the consummate hypocrite! In today's passage, Jesus reached out to Judas Iscariot in both grace and truth in order to unmask his hypocrisy.

Jesus revealed the betrayer, vv. 18-25.‬‬

Jesus reached out to the betrayer, v. 26.‬‬

Judas rejected the Savior, v. 27-30‬‬.

Lingering lessons from the tragic life of Judas:
1. One can kiss the door of heaven, yet go to hell.
2. The fact of hypocrites does not negate the truth of the gospel. It establishes it.