Larry Greene
August 12, 2018
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


1 Corinthians 16:13-24

Last week we saw how doing everything in love affects our view of money, time, and people. Today’s text continues the thought of our stewardship of people. We have seen throughout our study of 1 Corinthians that it is a book of correction. Whether it was the beliefs or behavior of this church, the Apostle corrected them in love. Twenty-one times Paul addressed this church with the tender word “brothers.” Three times he called them “beloved.” He not only preached “do everything in love,” he practiced it as well! In closing this book we discovered three ideals captured by doing everything in love in relating to people.

  1. Doing everything in love will be seen in how you lead, vv. 13-14.
  2. Doing everything in love will be seen in how you follow, vv. 15-18.
  3. Doing everything in love will be seen in how you fellowship, vv. 19-24.


1  Corinthians 16:13-24

Acts 20:31

Philippians 1:27

Hebrews 13:17

Matthew 11:28

Philemon 1:7

John 1:14

Whether we are leading or following, teaching or hearing, giving or receiving, encouraging or correcting, we must do everything in love.