Larry Greene
December 8, 2019
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


Galatians 3:15-29

In Galatians 3 and 4 Paul was making the case for salvation by grace through faith. Thus far he has argued by the use of (1) Personal Questions, vv. 1-5. These were asked to bring the Galatians “back to Calvary.” (2) Scripture Quotations, vv. 6-14). These were cited to demonstrate that salvation has always been by grace through faith.

Now Paul presents historical exposition to show the superiority of faith in the promise over the works of the Law.

  • Four historical ramifications of the Law, vv.15-24.
  • Four spiritual realities of the promise, vv. 25-29.

Why would you remain as a servant to the Law when you can be part of the Bride to the King?