Larry Greene
January 31, 2021
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


John 6:60-71

All of us have favorite verses from the Bible. These verses may be promises, challenges, verses of comfort or encouragement. Very few, if any, would list hard sayings from the Bible as a favorite. Yet, the response to Jesus’ teaching from John 6:25-59 was, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” Not only was His teaching hard for them to understand, it was also hard for them to accept. There are five revealing truths brought about by the hard sayings of Scripture.

• Hard sayings reveal those who stumble over truth, vv. 60-62
• Hard sayings reveal those who are without the Spirit, vv. 63-64
• Hard sayings reveal those who are drawn by the Father, v. 65
• Hard sayings reveal those who walk away from Him, v. 66
• Hard sayings reveal those who are deeply committed to Him, vv. 67-71

There is a lot to learn about yourself when you come in contact with a hard saying of Scripture. What are you learning?