Larry Greene
January 22, 2023
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus

“If the Holy Spirit ceased operating in your life and our church, would we know the difference?” The Spirit’s ministry in the life of believers is so important that Jesus told His disciples to wait for Him before they did anything. Jesus called this “the promise of the Father” which was fulfilled in Acts chapter two. The Spirit’s coming at Pentecost has a powerful two-fold effect on every believer. His coming impacts us positionally and practically.

  • Positionally — the Spirit baptizes us, vv. 1-4.
  • Practically—the Spirit fills us, vv. 4-11.

One of two results will inevitably happen due to the Spirit’s operation in our lives:

  • Seekers will inquire, v. 12.
  • Scoffers will arise, v. 13.