Larry Greene
October 15, 2023
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


Acts 19:21-41

The prophet Isaiah lived in Israel when the future was uncertain, and the present was unstable. During those difficult days, he recorded a promise that has sustained the people of God ever since, Isaiah 26:3-4. Perfect peace comes from steadfast trust.

The apostle Paul was facing an uncertain future and unstable present. Yet in Acts 19:21-41, he possessed an unshakeable peace. In these verses, Paul personified the truth of Isaiah 26:3-4—perfect peace comes from steadfast trust.

  • God’s peace sustains in the face of an uncertain future, vv. 21-22.
    • Steadfast trust submits to God’s plan — no matter how unclear the path or unwelcome the way.
  • God’s peace sustains in the face of an unstable present, vv. 23-41.
    • Steadfast trust submits to God’s protection no matter how uncomfortable the situation, vv. 23-31.
    • Steadfast trust submits to God’s provision no matter how unexpected the source, vv. 32-41.

Perfect peace comes from steadfast trust, and perfect peace begins with saving faith.