Larry Greene
July 9, 2023
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


Acts 12

During our study of Acts, we have seen believers obediently living out the last command of Christ to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This command is known as the great commission. These marching orders end with a promise, “and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


In today’s chapter, we see Jesus fulfilling this promise to His followers. Luke emphasizes how we must cling tightly to the truth of the sovereignty of God. (Three episodes in this chapter illustrate this truth.)

1. God is sovereign over His servants, vv. 1-4.

2. God is sovereign over our situations, vv. 5-17.

3. God is sovereign over all sovereigns, vv. 18-25.


When the circumstances of life are swirling beyond your control, remember that God is in control. He is sovereign.