Our Core Values

What We Believe

AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE.  We are committed to the Bible as the fully inspired Word of God. Therefore, the principles and precepts of Scripture are absolutely authoritative in doing church and living life.

LORDSHIP OF CHRIST.  We are committed to the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as God the Son incarnate.  Therefore, Christ is central to our worship and sovereign in His leadership of His church.

REACHING OUR WORLD.  We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with a world in need.  Therefore, we will reach OUR world through local evangelistic strategies, and we will reach our WORLD through supporting and sending missionaries.

MINISTRY OF THE BODY.  We are committed to this local body of believers.  Therefore, this church exists to minister to members of the Body, and the members recognize their need to ministry to one another.

ATMOSPHERE OF GRACE.  We are committed to being a people who authentically live out God's grace.  Therefore, we will welcome everyone as they are while encouraging their growth into Christlikeness.

FAMILY FOCUS.  We are committed to changing our culture by strengthening our homes. Therefore, we will equip husbands/wives and parents/children in living out healthy, Biblical relationships, and incorporate singles into the church family for love, nurture, and service.